On the subject of slow booting, perhaps someone can help me with a very annoying case of the slowboots.

I've got a dual slot-1 P3 system here--a Supermicro P6DGE, which uses a 440GX chipset and 2GB of registered SDRAM with two 900MHz CPUs. When it finally get around to s booting, it's a great workhorse, with 2, count'em 2 well-behaved ISA slots. It's frisky enough to run Windows 7 and proudly proclaims that it was made in the USA.

The problem is, that even with the "Fast boot" BIOS setting, it takes well over a minute to get to the point where it tries to boot.

Does anyone have a clue on why it's so slow? Even getting the POST down to 15-20 seconds would be wonderful.


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