Jay Jaeger wrote:

> I have fiche for ZKDJB0, and fortunately it seems to match at this
> particular error and address.
> "This test looks for BEVENT to Interrupt when BIT 6 in the BEVENT
> Control register is set and interrupt priority level is set to 5".
> The particular error that you identify occurs as the result of an EMT
> trap anywhere during the test.  However, the most likely error would be
> that the BEVENT interrupt did not occur.  It would seem that the most
> likely cause is that you have not configured the LTC clock interrupt -
> but I am on my way out the door so I don't have time to look at the
> KDJ11 manual to confirm this.

Ok, that could be possible. So far as I know there is a jumper on the Front
Panel PCB where one ca disable the LTC signal. I had an KDF-11 previously
in this crate and I think to remember that LTC maked some trouble in some
circumstances. I'll chack that...
> You can bypass this test by setting bit 10 of the XXDP switch register
> to 1.  This is something you don in XXDP *before* you start the test
> program (before you enter the "R" command).

Hmm.. most programs display something like "SW=000000 New Value=?", the
ZKDJB2.BIC does not, but it is described this way in the manual..

Thanks anyway, I'll check this..



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