On 9/14/2015 1:10 PM, Holm Tiffe wrote:
> Holm Tiffe wrote:
> Ok, the test is running fine now ..
> I had to enable BEVENT with Switch 1 on the BA23 front panel (was disabled)
> but still the same error. Next I removed W9 from the M8192 Module and it
> works now. :-|
> Please, can someone from the natural english speakers here explain
> how this sentence is meant:
> This diagnostic tests the KDJ11 basic instruction set including EIS,
> TRAPS and the alternate register set. Ensure that halt trap option is
> disabled (jumper W9 installed)."
> For me (as a german) that means that the jumper W9 has to be installed
> to run the test, but it seems that it must be removed (as it originally
> was)..?
> Regards,
> Holm

I see that same lanuage in the B0 version.

The KDJ11-A manual says that the factory default configuration for W9 is
*removed* meaning that BEVNT is ENABLED.  Which I think is what you need
for the test to succeed.

>From the manual (available on Bitsavers, by the way, at
http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/PDP1173/KDJ11-A_UsersManua.pdf )

"2.2.5  BEVNT Recognition
The LSI-11 bus signal BEVNT provides an external event interrupt request
to the processor.  This feature is disabled when the W9 jumper is
installed, and disables the line time clock register.  When the jumper
is removed, the BEVNT input is recognized and is under control of the
line time clock register.  Specifically, the signal is recognized by the
module when bit 06 of the line time clock register is set (1) and
disabled when bit 06 is not set (0).  The line time clock register
address is 17 777 546 and is a read/write register"

So, with that jumper in, BEVNT would still be disabled, so no LTC
interrupt, so I would indeed expect the same error in the same place as
if you had the LTC disabled.

Incidentally, the diagnostic listing I have indicates that to change the
switch register, first load the diagnostic, and then halt it, and change
location 176 to the desired value.

Also, the diagnostic listing indicates that if you are using something
called "APT" (which I am not familiar with - presumably is some kind of
alternative to XXDP) then:

1) The RESET instruction is not tested
2) Switch register bit 10 is set so that BEVNT is not tested under APT
3) The serial line unit test is executed only on the first pass
4) The red zone trap test behaves differently.  If a red zone trap
occurs, it will retry the test one more time.  If it then succeeds, then
the diagnostic presumes that the error was APT induced.


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