> That would be my first interpretation too: that it is a directive
> addressed to someone putatively running the test.  It _might_ mean that
> the test also tests to ensure that the jumper is installed.

There is another interpretation that I have just realised. If this is the right 
then whoever wrote that documentation need a dose of the clue-by-four!

But here it is : 

In order to completely test the CPU logic with this diagnostic, the 'halt trap 
must be disabled. To do this, fit jumper W9.

If the 'halt trap option' is enabled then there are some faults that the 
diagnostic can't
find, Therefore if W9 is not fitted a CPU module with a fault may pass the 

But that would be a very unnatural way for me to understand it, and I would 
think whoever
wrote something with that meaning was being deliberately confusing.


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