On Tue, 15 Sep 2015, Guy Dawson wrote:
Delete it on the master and have it faithfully deleted on the replica.


Backup should NOT be connected to the computer that it is backing up, and should be a drive, NOT a connected computer.

Ever heard of CRYPTOWALL ? I think that I got it from looking at PDFs on the web while doing some research. It's a trojan, not a virus. It runs in the background encrypting files. Then it pops up a message demanding 500 euros for the key!

I had a 2 TB backup drive connected to my living room computer.
It got 8000 files on the computer, then got 1000 files on the backup drive before I found out and stopped it last night. Fortunately, 990 of those are ones that I also have on another machine (the files that I copied from my dead friend's laptop), and hadn't finished that directory to move on to the stuff that might be really hard to recreate.
The backup drive is no longer connected to the computer.

So, I have a lot of files to recreate.
and no sleep last night.

I will donate 500 euros to the legal defense fund of anybody who kills the author of CRYPTOWALL.

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