connected them with a Laplink parallel cable (I've still got a box of
On Sat, 14 Nov 2015, Jules Richardson wrote:
Roughly what length are the cables? And do you know if they do anything special internally regarding shielding of the data lines?

They, and those of other similar products, were 3 to 6 feet long. There is no special shielding requirement up to about 10 feet, or unless you have extreme electrical noise next to them.

I think I should probably wire one up, and I have various old printer cables etc. laying around to use for donor parts, but I expect that data skew is a problem over any significant distance.

So, bring the two computers to within 10 feet of each other.

Before MICROS~1 included an imitation in MS-DOS 6.00, . . .
Traveling Software created "Laplink"

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