On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 8:08 AM, Christian Corti
<c...@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
> The characters are stored on the display interface card. I had a similar
> fault in one of my 5110s, in my case it was a faulty TTL chip (IIRC a 74159
> demux).

So, faulty support logic, rather than a faulty ROS. That's encouraging.

> You have to a) clean the print head and b) replace the rubber rollers that
> transport the ink ribbon. The rollers will be goo and make a "big mess"(tm).

Oh joy! That's something to look forward to.

> Your search engine's broken, right? ;-)
> They're either on my site or at bitsavers.

I found your site, but somehow missed the page with the manuals. I
don't know how, it's right there in plain sight.

> I can't see any pictures, and _no_, I won't register just to see the
> pictures.

I'll email you a pic showing the malformed characters, off list and
would be grateful if you'd let me know whether there's any similarity
to your previously faulty 5110.

> Ok, I will scan that manual the next days. But in general the contents of the 
> 5114 MIM is contained withing the 5120 MIM.

Thanks! I'll take a look at the 5120 MIM in the interim.

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