Hi all,

maybe someone can help.
I would like to install TCP/IP on my RT-11 system.
After a short search I have found the following, which I would use: http://www.classiccmp.org/PDP-11/RT-11/freeware/decus11/110939/rthtml/tcpget.htm But the images are in DSK format, but I can't write them with PDP11GUI, which is the only way I have at the moment. I like the PDP11GUI implementation and way, as there is nothing more you need as a PDP and a RX02, which is in most cases available.

Someone here, who has the equipment, time and mind to write the DSK files onto RX02 followed by an new image via PDP11GUI?
Or is there any other suitable way for me?

Many Greetings

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