On Tue, 29 Aug 2017, Rob Jarratt wrote:

> I would just like to make doubly sure, before cutting into the outer body of
> the caps, am I likely to hit any gotchas? Just how wet are they inside, do I
> need to take any precautions with the electrolyte?

 I suggest that you cut the sleeve only first (with a utility knife, 
scissors or whatever tool you find most convenient or at hand), in which 
case you won't get to the electrolyte (except for any preexisting leaks of 
course), which is only inside the aluminium can underneath.

 The purpose of the sleeve is mainly electrical insulation -- so that you 
don't have a battery of large live components mounted next to each other 
posing a risk of a short circuit if their surfaces accidentally touch.  
In the past some electrolytic caps were manufactured without a sleeve 
(especially axials), however I haven't come across such one for years.

> I found some LED holders/clips which do seem to fit the bill, although I am
> not sure I see how you get the old LED out, unless you have to break the
> thing.

 From experience these seem pretty much single use only and either of the 
2 parts of the holder gets damaged while disassembling.


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