
I started this thread by asking what I thought was a simple question about Ultrix-11.  Yes, I am trying to install and learn about this fascinating piece of old software. Some of the folks who have posted know much more about Unix than I do and I am learning and enjoying this.

I just tried using the f77 compiler to see how it works.  It is really outdated and wouldn't recognize some accepted f77 items.  Even under SIMH it is slow!  But the load libraries are there.

There is a plot command in there that will drive a Tek 4014 graphics terminal.  Eager to find out how that works.

In the long run I would like to see if it can run on real pdp11 hardware and support multiple terminals/users.  Just for fun!


On 8/20/2021 12:24 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
On 8/20/21 11:50 AM, Peter Allan via cctalk wrote:
I just installed Ultrix-11 3.1 using the ultrix31.tap file from
which is the location from the comments in Stephen's Machine Room video on
YouTube that I think started this thread.

It installed just fine, but just like the video, I ran out of space on /usr.

How can I make a larger /usr partition? Is it possible to do this at
installation time? There did not seem to be an option for this. Can it be
done by using an additional disk? That would seem likely, but not what a
system manager back in the 70's or 80's would expect to need to do,
especially as there is a relatively large amount of space left to create

I noted the options for installing software using soft links to other
locations. Was that the preferred method when installing additional

That worked for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Peter Allan


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