> Grant Taylor <cct...@gtaylor.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:
>Isn't Tru64 a DEC product? 

  I did say, "Excepting the Un*x derivatives"...

>Would you stop using DECnet b/c it was removed from the kernel?

  Well, I wouldn't be able to upgrade that machine anymore.  That wouldn’t be 
the end of the world, but eventually one of two things will happen - either 
I'll want to run some software thing that doesn't work with an older distro, or 
I'll need to upgrade the hardware and driver support for some piece of hardware 
won't be available in the older distro.  Then I'll just have to quit using 
DECnet on Linux.

  I won't quit using DECnet, of course, as I have other systems which speak 
only that.  I just won't be able to talk to them from Linux anymore.


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