Awesome history, Rick!


On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 9:35 AM Rick Bensene via cctalk <> wrote:

> Paul wrote:
> >> modify a lot of the software. Timing dependencies aside, G-15
> instructions
> >> didn't have addresses -- they had "timing numbers" that effectively
> told the
> >> hardware how long to wait before reading or writing a word on the
> drum.
> To which Christian replied:
> > Oh really, that is then similar to the addressing scheme of the Diehl
> > Combitron (a marvelous design by Stanley Frankel).
> Indeed, the old drum computers generally had timing information in the
> instruction set that gave the optimal
> sector on the drum for the operand address, and the next instruction
> address.
> We had an old computer at our high school computer lab (1974-ish) that
> was designed in the mid-1960's by 3M (the scotch tape company) that was
> originally a real-time monitor and data reduction system for a natural
> gas distribution system and was donated to the school when it was
> retired.
> The machine had two CPUs that ran in tandem with the ability to detect a
> fault in one, and switch to the other.
> The CPUs had 24-bit words, and each had 8K words of magnetic drum
> memory.    They were discrete transistor-based machines and were
> bit-serial in architecture.   An instruction like ADD that operated on
> an operand to add to the accumulator would have information in the
> instruction set reference that said "for optimal programming,
> operand=N+3, next instruction=N+6".
> The assembler (which was slow!), called SOAP, tried to optimize, but for
> a lot of things like list processing and such, it really couldn't do
> much to help.   Tables and lists had to be scattered all over the drum
> for the best speed, and that got kind of difficult because the operand
> address only had room for a sector number.  If the reference was on a
> different track, you had to prefix the instruction with a modifier
> instruction that would specify the block and track for the operand (and
> next instruction if needed).   There were no index registers, so the
> only way to do calculated data fetches or branches was to load the
> instruction base into the accumulator, then modify it using math
> operations to calculate the correct sector, then store the accumulator
> at the address specified by the next instruction address to execute it.
> It was crazy fun learning it, but in practice, even trying really hard
> to optimize the code, it could barely drive a Teletype 33ASR to full 10
> character-per-second maximum speed.    It had a bunch of I/O stuff,
> including a Parabam transistorized real-time clock that could be read by
> the computer, a bank of thumbwheel switches that could be read in BCD
> form, and a whole rack full of A/D (discrete transistor) converters,
> digital counters, analog outputs, and digital relay outputs that were
> used for the original data acquisition I/O, but the cables going into
> them were just chopped off, and I never played with any of that other
> than to write code to click the relays in pseudo-random patterns to make
> a noise like the machine was "calculating".
> Speaking of the Diehl Combitron, it was indeed an amazing transistorized
> (with only something like ~130 transistors in total) calculator designed
> by the genius of Stan Frankel (who also designed the transistorized
> Smith-Corona/Marchant (SCM) Cogito 240/240SR calculator (which was way
> too slow due to SCM requiring the use of cheap slow-switching diodes),
> the Royal McBee/Librascope/General Precision LGP-30 vacuum-tube drum
> computer, as well as consulted in the design of the delay line-based
> Packard Bell PB-250.
> The Combitron was an amazing microcoded bit-serial processor designed in
> around '63-'64 by Frankel.  It was user-programmable (but not user
> microprogrammable, unless...).    ROM for storing the microcode was a
> difficult thing back then, generally taking quite a bit of space (not
> really practical for a desktop calculator) and were labor-intensive and
> expensive to build.
> How did Frankel store the microcode for the Combitron?
> On a punched stainless steel tape that was optically read a bit at a
> time at power-up into a delay line.  Once the microcode was loaded, the
> tape would rewind and the microcode engine would start up reading its
> instructions out of the delay line.  Hence the addressing scheme  in the
> microcode to make it as fast as possible. The addressing scheme
> accounted for the delay time for processing a microcode function such
> that the next micro-instruction would be right at the output tap of the
> delay line when it was needed.
> It takes about a minute for the microcode to load when the machine is
> powered up.  The tape has two channels, one for the clock, and another
> for the microcode bits.
> By the way, an end-user could presumably write custom microcode for the
> calculator if they had the microcode documentation and a way to punch
> the stainless steel tape.  Possible, but not terribly practical.
> Loading the microcode from a reel of punched metal tape made firmware
> updates possible by replacing the tape.  I do not know if there were
> different versions of the microcode for the Combitron to fix bugs, but
> it certainly was a possibility that was enabled by this microcode
> loading mechanism.  The tape is relatively easy to replace, and could be
> done in the field by a service tech if needed.  Stainless steel was used
> for longevity of the tape, given that it had to be read every time the
> machine was powered on.
> I have one of these machines in the Old Calculator Museum's collection
> that is fully operational.  The tape transport mechanism required  work
> to get it running properly. The printer has a couple of columns that
> print very lightly, which I haven't been able to figure out how to fix
> yet.     The printing mechanism is an exquisite work of art in itself,
> the creation of some brilliant German mechanical engineers, probably
> adapted from one of Diehl's earlier mechanical printing calculators.
> I haven't yet written the exhibit for the machine yet...among the many
> things I have on my to-do list, but it's quite a great story how the
> machine was developed.
> Frankel built the original prototype for the machine in his kitchen in a
> relay rack as an exercise to test out his theories. He had to use as few
> transistors as possible, because they were expensive and he built the
> prototype using his own funds, resulting in an extremely efficient
> design.  He had two telephone dials that were used to enter the
> microcode instructions, one dial for the number of sequential zeroes and
> another for the number of sequential ones that would be loaded into the
> microcode delay line (essentially run-length encoding).  The old
> pulse-style dialers were perfect for injecting the pulses into the delay
> line to represent the microcode words  Needless to say, it took a while
> to load the microcode this way.  One mistake, and you'd have to start
> over.
> The prototype design worked well, so he decided to try to market it, and
> Diehl in West Germany bought the rights to it.   Frankel went to their
> factory to assist with the actual calculator design and trained the
> engineering and manufacturing folks on how it worked and how to build
> it, as well as assisting in writing all of the documentation for
> end-users as well as service techs.   A number of follow-on calculators
> were marketed by Diehl using the architecture Frankel created, including
> some advanced machines with scientific and statistical functions.
> Rick Bensene
> The Old Calculator Museum

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