On 11/12/22 10:59, ben via cctalk wrote:

> I do too, but don't welcome the market droids that make you upgrade all
> the time.
> I am putting a projection TV in the living room, and needed to use all
> this HDMI or wire less crap. What ever happened to 75 video and 150? ohm
> terminated audio.

What's all this 75 ohm stuff?  300 ohm twinlead.  And the separate UHF
down-converter to feed your VHF teevee.

I'm still trying to figure out how my TV broadcast preview never
displays any of the commercial advertisements, but I have to watch them
when they're fullscreen.

It's a conspiracy, I tell you...  Now, if you'll pardon me, I have to go
to the telegraph office to send a TWX.


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