On 1/10/23 15:24, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
> I haven't seen any mention of greaseweazel types of "flux" readers.
> They read the flux changes off of the floppy and then interpret them
> with a separate program. 

> Before the greaseweazel, and similar boards, there were the Catweasel
> controllers, which are essentially the same thing, but done in an FPGA
> with an ISA interface.  Even then, I kept telling people that most
> microcontrollers with a capture-mode timer would do the job for a
> fraction of the cost.   Personally, I've been using an STM32F407 with
> my own software.   It produces catweasel-files and works with my own
> code written for catweasel.
I probably made it overly complicated, as it uses DMA to record the
capture events.   At 168MHz on a pipelined architecture, I could have
gone with polled I/O, but the deed is done.

Even before the high-integration MCUs with everything but the kitchen
sink, I was using an ATMega162 with external SRAM to do the sampling.  
It's not brain surgery.


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