On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 10:15 AM Eric Smith via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> That's where I'm starting, too. I'm using a 16500A (rather than a B, C, or
> 1670x) because it should be much simpler to figure out how the processor
> accesses the registers and memory of the modules. Then it should be
> possible to build something like a USB4 PCIe alternate mode interface to
> the analyzer backplane, replacing the analyzer's CPU card.
That was my thinking too, but I am less ambitious on the backplane. I
haven't measured the bus speed there yet but i suspect it's rather slow and
uses block read / DMA style operations for the buffers (there are not
enough address bits for much else). I thought it might be supported by a
cypress ez-usb so old HP cards could be used for much wider/faster captures
than when they're used in streaming mode.

> I don't intend to reverse-engineer details of how the modules actually
> work. Instead, I want to run the real 16700 software in simulation or
> binary translation on a PC.

I want to look first at what really simple cards like a 16510 get in order
to start/stop/transfer. However these typically don't work with the 16700
UI so although running that under emulation is attractive I don't think you
can use anything older than a 16555.
There's also the division between 16505 software (which I think is related
to early 16700) and the 16500C which it drives over SCSI.

> The tricky part is going to be figuring out how the module correlation
> circuitry on the CPU board works, because my plan requires reproducing
> that.

Yes. I'll be happy getting a single card working. Multicard setups can use
a real 16700 but if you're working to accelerate that it's a nice
complement to a single-card option.

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