Yeah, but at least for AI he actually seemed to care about it as something he used back in the early 80's.

*sigh* I was wondering if it would come to this. I guess I need to draft a letter to the executor of this mess, asking them to please open AI, look in the inside metal pocket on the door, and read the letter I wrote when Rich came out to pick the system up.

Because I knew inside that this would happen. It happened at MIT, happened at FTP, happened at Sandstorm, happened at Digex. And each time I had to go out AGAIN and pick the damn thing up to take care of it.

Funny. I said at the time that Paul would never go bankrupt or lose interest and that AI was finally safe. But I knew in my heart it wouldn't be. So I guess it's time to rent a U-Haul


So who do I contact?



On 6/25/2024 4:51 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 6/25/24 13:28, Tom Uban via cctalk wrote:
If Paul Allen was unable to setup his museum, something he clearly cared
deeply about, in a way that would not be dissolved when he passed, who

Mr. Allen collected a lot of things, which, given his wealth, probably
can be viewed in the same way that we have an attic full of old stuff.


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