On 6/25/2024 8:11 PM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
By the way, I think I already indicated this, but if anyone has a
legitimate claim, the disbursement of the collection could be challenged in
court, and some alternate outcome decreed by virtue of public policy
(sometimes we can use government power for our benefit).

How do we even know for sure that his sister, Jody, is actually the legal
executor to his estate?

That could be helpful. I just want the damn thing to go to a place where someone will take care of it and not just be a Col. Kilgore type that goes I'LL SAVE IT then wanders off to someone else.

I looked up the date, it was November 2006, that's like 18 years ago. Which means the document would be in either WriteNow or WordPerfect on my NeXTStation alembic.

Where did I put the NeXT monitor....


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