According to:
Page 2-1, section 2.1 says: "18-bit set of address lines"

On 7/25/24 16:07, Christopher Zach via cctalk wrote:
Speaking of which did any of the emulex sc univus adapters support 18 bit mode?

On July 25, 2024 6:27:38 PM GMT+02:00, Guy Sotomayor via cctalk 
<> wrote:
I'd be interested in the unibus SMD controllers as I'm in the middle of working on an SMD 
emulator and it would be "nice" to be able to use one on my 11/40 (my 11/70 
already has an SMD controller in the RH70 slots).

TTFN - Guy

On 7/25/24 05:40, Tom Uban via cctalk wrote:
Hi Christian,

As others have indicated, the drive has an SMD interface.
FWIW, I have a drive which was working when I acquired it a number of years 
ago, along with a bunch of disk packs and I have some emulex unibus disc 
controllers (SC31, SC72). If you are interested in these items, I am looking to 
reduce my collection (I have loads of pdp11 hardware). Where are you located? I 
am in NW Indiana...


On 7/25/24 04:59, Christian Corti via cctalk wrote:
Hello all,

we now have a RM03 drive, but are missing all the cables and the RH11 
backplane, though I have the cards.
Since the drive itself is a CDC 9762 I was wondering if I could ignore the Massbus 
adapter in the drive cabinet and use the CDC as a "normal" SMD drive (at least 
it uses the standard 60+26 pin cables).
There are no service manuals/schematics of the drive itself, so I can't look 
there. And all I could find on the net were discussions of using the Massbus 
adapter for normal SMD drives but in my case, I don't want Massbus at all.

TTFN - Guy

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