Hi Jörg

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 00:23, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> [...]
> >o How can I use remote devices without being root on the client machine?
> Not possible because of UNIX restictition, but PLEASE RTFM for cdrecord.

Probably I didn't make myself clear here: I just found out that making
cdrecord suid root does infact work. It didn't orginally for me but that
was apparently due to a different problem. So, I'm a happy camper with
regards to this.

> >o How can I use rscsi without having to have rshd running on the server=20
> >  machine?
> Impossible
> >o Is there a way to use ssh instead of rsh?
> Why?
> ssh is way too slow for cd writing.

Hm...I think it depends. This is between the machines in question:

andree@aurich:~/downloads/kernel>scp linux-2.2.17.tar.bz2 jever:
linux-2.2.17.tar.bz2 100%
|************************************************| 13727 KB    00:02

Between 2 and 3 seconds for 13+MB should be sufficient for CD writing
don't you think. Or is there a hidden latency problem somewhere?

A good reason to use ssh/sshd would be encryption of the datastream in
situations where you want to use it across a non-trusted net.

> If you have a ssh aware rcmd(3) implementation it should work.

I'll check that out, thanks! Would that give me encryption of the data?
I fear not, as rcmd is rcmd and doesn't come with encryption...

> >Other questions:
> >What is your opinion on http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-iscsi? I
> >understand that this is only a client to access iSCSI services. Are you
> >aware of any server iSCSI development for Linux? This would pretty much
> >be what rscsi is doing, wouldn't it?
> The RSCSI idea is more than 5 years old and has been finally implemented short 
> before the ISCSI idea came up. If you believe that ISCSI makes sense, write
> a ISCSI transport implementaion for libscg and send it to me...
> >I'm using SANE to access a remote scanner just as I'm trying to access a
> >remote CD writer via cdrecord/rscsi. This prompts me to ask the question
> >whether you've ever contemplated to turn cdrecord into a library just
> >like the SANE folks did?
> Sorry, I contacted the SANE people many times to use my scsi trnaport 
> implementaion. They don't like it because their implementation is so InSANE
> that it is not possible to integrate a SCSI trabsport with a clean interface :-(

That is quite sad to hear as it sounds like triplication of effort. My
understanding is that iSCSI is an open (?) industry standard which can
be implemented by anyone. (Well, anyone that understands the matter, ie.
not me, so don't hold your breath... ;-) ) This to my mind gives it an
edge over rscsi and whatever SANE is doing.

I quite like the SANE approach as it doesn't require me to run rshd but
comes with its own custom-purpose daemon. This is purely from a user
perspective without any insight in the actual implementation of course.
What I really meant with my library question is this: In the SANE world
you have e.g. 

aurich:/usr/bin>ldd xsane
libsane.so.1 => /usr/lib/libsane.so.1 (0x40014000)

In other words, the functionality is encapsulated in a library. Wouldn't
it be nice to have something like:

aurich:/usr/bin>ldd gtoaster
libcdrecord.so.1 => /usr/lib/libcdrecord.so.1 (0x40014000)

I'd dare say that making the cdrecord functionality available as a
library should have a number of advantages over calling a separate
program. What is your opinion on this?

Best regards
Andree Leidenfrost
Sydney - Australia

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