Hi Tom Masterson,

on 2009-06-21 at 19:03:18 CEST, you wrote:
> Not quite true as icq has no prefix which makes it a bit more difficult to 
> isolate.  Or at least on my machine it doesn't but mine still uses the 
> .centericq directory as I upgraded from there.

Just my 2 Yen to that topic... I don't think that the current approach of
managing the contact list is the best solution available. But, for
convenience, it's not that big problem handling it on command line,
because the protocols each have a specific character to start the
contact's directory with. And yes, this is not true for icq, but it
doesn't need it because the icq UIN directories are unique if you search
for all subdirs starting with a number (e.g. "ls -1d [0-9]*" for example).

Besides that, based on the current development on centerim version 4 and
version 5, I would consider this change to be a major enhancement with
lots of other considerations afterwards, such as the already mention
migration requirements for current centerim users.

I'm not up to date about the current state of the cim5 development, but I
think, if there's need to improve the contact list directory structure,
cim5 would be the first place to go with that and keep cim4 updates simple
and backwards-compatible.

Other opinions of course welcome :)

Le deagh dhùraghd,

        Frank Altpeter

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