>  Every time I list the .centerim directory I think about how confuse it is.
>> So, I want to suggest a new structure:
>> What do you think?
>  I don't see a need for this - if you really need to go to the .centerim
> directory, you probably know what you're looking for.

How I said before "The main objective of my idea is separate the contacts
directories of the configuration files". I agree that if I'm looking for a
contact information there isn't problem, but if I looking for a
configuration option and I don't know what is the name of the specific file
so I have a problem.

> If you don't, why care. IMHO, this change doesn't bring any (or much of)
> benefit,

I can't understand how you people think that organization don't bring

> just more work for both development and for users (if it doesn't do all
> this automatically, it's useless, users won't be running any scripts; and
> you break compatibility with existing third-party scripts and utils).

5 minutes after I send this request I download the cim4 code from
repository, and when the first answer came to this thread I already have
isolated all the files that need to be changed, including the third-party
scripts and utils that are in the source tree. I agree that everything based
on this idea have to be automatic, the script I sent could be executed when
the user select the new directory option (how I explained before), or could
be a pure c++ code doing this work, no problem...

>  As always - if you really need to develop something, work on cim5 :)

I thought I was helping, At first I would implement it in the cim4, then I
would see if I could help in cim5, but I see that are not interested, ok no

I will stop here in this thread, if someone are interested in this idea, so
send me a direct message
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