On 30. Mar 11 15:10, Ion Cebotari wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Ion and I'm a beginning programmer. I have small
> experience in programming C/C++ and Python. Centerim has been my
> favourite IM software for almost three years, so i've decided to
> join the development mail list and help with anything I can.

and welcome, it's always nice to see new people interested in cim

> I still have no experience in working with libpurple, ncurses or
> other libs in use with centerim, so now i'm just trying to read and
> understand the code of Centerim 5.

Libpurple API should be relatively easy to pick up. It's well
documented in header files. You shouldn't need any curses
knowledge unless you are going to write new widgets (or edit
drawing methods of current ones).

> As soon as I would understand
> your code, I'll try to help you with its development. Or if there
> are some things that could be done by me and your hands simply
> didn't get there, please tell me.
> Thank you very much for your attention.

Here are some suggestions (from easier tasks to harder ones):
* Implement a user info window that is opened for a currently
focused contact/buddy when the user presses a specified key.
You can inspire yourself in finch or pidgin. For finch see
draw_tooltip_real() in gntblist.c, for pidgin see
pidgin_retrieve_user_info() in gtkutils.c and
pidgin_notify_userinfo() in gtknotify.c. Pidgin implementation
may be a bit harder.
* Buddy list customization. Implement Mode1, Mode2 and "flat
mode" as known from cim4. See how buddy list is rebuilt in
pidgin: redo_buddy_list() in gtkblist.c.
* Implement account UI ops, especially request_add(),
request_authorize() and close_account_request().

Petr Pavlu

Centerim-devel mailing list

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