
Quentin Hartman wrote:

> Since I have been in ceph-land today, it reminded me that I needed to close
> the loop on this. I was finally able to isolate this problem down to a
> faulty NIC on the ceph cluster network. It "worked", but it was
> accumulating a huge number of Rx errors. My best guess is some receive
> buffer cache failed? Anyway, having a NIC go weird like that is totally
> consistent with all the weird problems I was seeing, the corrupted PGs, and
> the inability for the cluster to settle down.
> As a result we've added NIC error rates to our monitoring suite on the
> cluster so we'll hopefully see this coming if it ever happens again.

Good for you. ;)

Could you post here the command that you use to get NIC error rates?

François Lafont
ceph-users mailing list

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