Thanks, Joao.

All monitors have the exact same mom map.

I suspect you're right that there might be some communication problem
though. I stopped monitor 1 (60zxl02), but the other 3 monitors still
failed to reach a quorum. I could see monitor 0 was still declaring victory
but the others were always calling for new elections:

2016-07-25 15:18:59.775144 7f8760af7700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] :
mon.60z0m02@0 won leader election with quorum 0,2,4

2016-07-25 15:18:54.702176 7fc1b357d700  1 mon.610wl02@2(electing) e5
handle_timecheck drop unexpected msg
2016-07-25 15:18:54.704526 7fc1b357d700  1
service_dispatch not in quorum -- drop message
2016-07-25 15:19:09.792511 7fc1b3f7e700  1 mon.610wl02@2(peon).paxos(paxos
recovering c 1318755..1319322) lease_timeout -- calling new election
2016-07-25 15:19:09.792825 7fc1b357d700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] :
mon.610wl02 calling new monitor election

I'm curious about the "handle_timecheck drop unexpected msg" message.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Joao Eduardo Luis <> wrote:

> On 07/25/2016 03:41 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. wrote:
>> In the logs, there 2 monitors are constantly reporting that they won the
>> leader election:
>> 60z0m02 (monitor 0):
>> 2016-07-25 14:31:11.644335 7f8760af7700  0 log_channel(cluster) log
>> [INF] : mon.60z0m02@0 won leader election with quorum 0,2,4
>> 2016-07-25 14:31:44.521552 7f8760af7700  1
>> mon.60z0m02@0(leader).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319320) collect
>> timeout, calling fresh election
>> 60zxl02 (monitor 1):
>> 2016-07-25 14:31:59.542346 7fefdeaed700  1
>> mon.60zxl02@1(electing).elector(11441) init, last seen epoch 11441
>> 2016-07-25 14:32:04.583929 7fefdf4ee700  0 log_channel(cluster) log
>> [INF] : mon.60zxl02@1 won leader election with quorum 1,2,4
>> 2016-07-25 14:32:33.440103 7fefdf4ee700  1
>> mon.60zxl02@1(leader).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319319) collect
>> timeout, calling fresh election
> There are two likely scenarios to explain this:
> 1. The monitors have different monitors in their monmaps - this could
> happen if you didn't add the new monitor via 'ceph mon add'. You can check
> this by running 'ceph daemon mon.<ID> mon_status' for each of the monitors
> in the cluster.
> 2. some of the monitors are unable to communicate with each other, thus
> will never acknowledge the same leader. This does not mean you have two
> leaders for the same cluster, but it does mean that you will end up having
> two monitors declaring victory and become the self-proclaimed leader in the
> cluster. The peons should still only belong to one quorum.
> If this does not help you, try setting 'debug mon = 10' and 'debug ms = 1'
> on the monitors and check the logs, making sure the monitors get the probes
> and follow the election process. If you need further assistance, put those
> logs online somewhere we can access them and we'll try to help you out.
>   -Joao
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr.
>> < <>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I have a cluster of 5 hosts running Ceph 0.94.6 on CentOS 6.5. On
>>     each host, there is 1 monitor and 13 OSDs. We had an issue with the
>>     network and for some reason (which I still don't know why), the
>>     servers were restarted. One host is still down, but the monitors on
>>     the 4 remaining servers are failing to enter a quorum.
>>     I managed to get a quorum of 3 monitors by stopping all Ceph
>>     monitors and OSDs across all machines, and bringing up the top 3
>>     ranked monitors in order of rank. After a few minutes, the 60z0m02
>>     monitor (the top ranked one) became the leader:
>>     {
>>          "name": "60z0m02",
>>          "rank": 0,
>>          "state": "leader",
>>          "election_epoch": 11328,
>>          "quorum": [
>>              0,
>>              1,
>>              2
>>          ],
>>          "outside_quorum": [],
>>          "extra_probe_peers": [],
>>          "sync_provider": [],
>>          "monmap": {
>>              "epoch": 5,
>>              "fsid": "2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af",
>>              "modified": "2016-04-28 22:26:48.604393",
>>              "created": "0.000000",
>>              "mons": [
>>                  {
>>                      "rank": 0,
>>                      "name": "60z0m02",
>>                      "addr": " <
>> >\/0"
>>                  },
>>                  {
>>                      "rank": 1,
>>                      "name": "60zxl02",
>>                      "addr": " <
>> >\/0"
>>                  },
>>                  {
>>                      "rank": 2,
>>                      "name": "610wl02",
>>                      "addr": " <
>> >\/0"
>>                  },
>>                  {
>>                      "rank": 3,
>>                      "name": "618yl02",
>>                      "addr": " <
>> >\/0"
>>                  },
>>                  {
>>                      "rank": 4,
>>                      "name": "615yl02",
>>                      "addr": " <
>> >\/0"
>>                  }
>>              ]
>>          }
>>     }
>>     The other 2 monitors became peons:
>>     "name": "60zxl02",
>>          "rank": 1,
>>          "state": "peon",
>>          "election_epoch": 11328,
>>          "quorum": [
>>              0,
>>              1,
>>              2
>>          ],
>>     "name": "610wl02",
>>          "rank": 2,
>>          "state": "peon",
>>          "election_epoch": 11328,
>>          "quorum": [
>>              0,
>>              1,
>>              2
>>          ],
>>     I then proceeded to start the fourth monitor, 615yl02 (618yl02 is
>>     powered off), but after more than 2 hours and several election
>>     rounds, the monitors still haven't reached a quorum. The monitors
>>     alternate mostly between "election", "probing" states but they often
>>     seem to be in different election epochs.
>>     Is this normal?
>>     Is there anything I can do to help the monitors elect a leader?
>>     Should I manually remove the dead host's monitor from the monitor map?
>>     I left all OSD daemons stopped while the election is going on
>>     purpose. Is this the best thing to do? Would bringing the OSDs up
>>     help or complicate matters even more? Or doesn't it make any
>> difference?
>>     I don't see anything obviously wrong in the monitor logs. They're
>>     mostly filled with messages like the following:
>>     2016-07-25 14:17:57.806148 7fc1b3f7e700  1
>>     mon.610wl02@2(electing).elector(11411) init, last seen epoch 11411
>>     2016-07-25 14:17:57.829198 7fc1b7caf700  0 log_channel(audit) log
>>     [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status'
>>     args=[]: dispatch
>>     2016-07-25 14:17:57.829200 7fc1b7caf700  0 log_channel(audit) do_log
>>     log to syslog
>>     2016-07-25 14:17:57.829254 7fc1b7caf700  0 log_channel(audit) log
>>     [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status
>>     args=[]: finished
>>     Any help would be hugely appreciated.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Sergio
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