(Just realised I originally replied to Sean directly, so reposting here for


I turned off syslog and the monitors quickly reached quorum and everything
seems back to normal. Thanks so much, Sean.

Luckily this is a test cluster. I wonder how I could catch this in a
production cluster before our support engineers spend a day trying to track
the problem down.

Any ideas?

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 12:28 PM, Sean Crosby <richardnixonsh...@gmail.com>

> Hi Sergio,
> You don't happen to have rsyslog forwarding to a central log server by any
> chance? I've seen this behaviour before when my central log server is not
> keeping up with messages.
> Cheers,
> Sean
> On 26 July 2016 at 21:13, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. <scarvalh...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> I left the 4 nodes running overnight and they just crawled to their
>> knees... to the point that nothing has been written to the logs in the last
>> 11 hours. So I stopped all monitors this morning and started them one by
>> one again, but they're are still being extremely slow. Here are their logs:
>> <https://gist.github.com/anonymous/85213467f701c5a69c7fdb4e54bc7406>
>> <https://gist.github.com/anonymous/85213467f701c5a69c7fdb4e54bc7406>
>> <https://gist.github.com/anonymous/85213467f701c5a69c7fdb4e54bc7406>
>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/85213467f701c5a69c7fdb4e54bc7406
>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f30a8903e701423825fd4d5aaa651e6a
>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/42a1856cc819de5b110d9f887e9859d2
>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/652bc41197e83a9d76cf5b2e6a211aa2
>> I'm still puzzled to see logs being written with a timestamp that is
>> several minutes behind the system clock. As time passes, the gap widens and
>> quickly the logs are over 10 minutes behind the actual time, which explains
>> why the logs  above don't seem to overlap.
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 9:37 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. <
>> scarvalh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Awesome, thanks so much, Joao.
>>> Here's the mon_status:
>>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2b80a9a75d134d9e539dfbc81615c055
>>> I'm still trying to collect the logs, but while doing that I noticed
>>> that the log records are severely delayed compared to the system clock. For
>>> example, watching the logs with tail -f, I see records with a timestamp
>>> that is up to 28 minutes behind the system clock!
>>> Also, while trying to set debug level, the monitors sometimes hung for
>>> several minutes, so there's obviously something wrong with them.
>>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 6:16 PM, Joao Eduardo Luis <j...@suse.de> wrote:
>>>> On 07/25/2016 05:55 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. wrote:
>>>>> I just forced an NTP updated on all hosts to be sure it's down to clock
>>>>> skew. I also checked that hosts can reach all other hosts on port 6789.
>>>>> I then stopped monitor 0 (60z0m02) and started monitor 1 (60zxl02), but
>>>>> the 3 monitors left (1 - 60zxl02, 2 - 610wl02, 4 - 615yl02) were still
>>>>> having problems to reach quorum. That led me to believe monitor 4 was
>>>>> the problem because I had a quorum before with monitors 0, 1, 2.
>>>>> So I stopped monitor 4 and started monitor 0 again, but this time
>>>>> monitors 0, 1, 2 failed to reach a quorum, which is rather puzzling.
>>>>> All hosts are pretty much idle all the time so I can't see why monitors
>>>>> would be getting stuck.
>>>> Grab 'ceph daemon mon.<ID> mon_status' from all monitors, set 'debug
>>>> mon = 10', 'debug paxos = 10', 'debug ms = 1', grab logs from the monitors
>>>> for the periods before, during and after election (ideally for at least two
>>>> election cycles). Put them up somewhere on the interwebs and send us a 
>>>> link.
>>>> If you don't feel comfortable putting that link in the list, send me an
>>>> email directly with the url.
>>>> I'll be happy to take a look later tonight.
>>>>   -Joao
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Joao Eduardo Luis <j...@suse.de
>>>>> <mailto:j...@suse.de>> wrote:
>>>>>     On 07/25/2016 04:34 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. wrote:
>>>>>         Thanks, Joao.
>>>>>         All monitors have the exact same mom map.
>>>>>         I suspect you're right that there might be some communication
>>>>>         problem
>>>>>         though. I stopped monitor 1 (60zxl02), but the other 3 monitors
>>>>>         still
>>>>>         failed to reach a quorum. I could see monitor 0 was still
>>>>> declaring
>>>>>         victory but the others were always calling for new elections:
>>>>>         2016-07-25 15:18:59.775144 7f8760af7700  0
>>>>> log_channel(cluster) log
>>>>>         [INF] : mon.60z0m02@0 won leader election with quorum 0,2,4
>>>>>         2016-07-25 15:18:54.702176 7fc1b357d700  1
>>>>>         mon.610wl02@2(electing) e5
>>>>>         handle_timecheck drop unexpected msg
>>>>>         2016-07-25 15:18:54.704526 7fc1b357d700  1
>>>>>         mon.610wl02@2(electing).data_health(11626) service_dispatch
>>>>> not in
>>>>>         quorum -- drop message
>>>>>         2016-07-25 15:19:09.792511 <tel:09.792511> 7fc1b3f7e700  1
>>>>>         mon.610wl02@2(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319322)
>>>>>         lease_timeout -- calling new election
>>>>>         2016-07-25 15:19:09.792825 <tel:09.792825> 7fc1b357d700  0
>>>>>         log_channel(cluster) log
>>>>>         [INF] : mon.610wl02 calling new monitor election
>>>>>         I'm curious about the "handle_timecheck drop unexpected msg"
>>>>>         message.
>>>>>     timechecks (i.e., checking for clock skew), as well as the
>>>>>     data_health service (which makes sure you have enough disk space in
>>>>>     the mon data dir) are only run when you have a quorum. If a message
>>>>>     is received by a monitor not in a quorum, regardless of state, it
>>>>>     will be dropped.
>>>>>     Assuming you know took one of the self-appointed leaders out - by
>>>>>     shutting it down, for instance -, you should now check what's
>>>>>     causing elections not to hold.
>>>>>     In these cases, assuming your 3 monitors do form a quorum, the
>>>>>     traditional issue tends to be 'lease timeouts'. I.e., the leader
>>>>>     fails to provide a lease extension on paxos for the peons, and the
>>>>>     peons assume the leader failed in some form (unresponsive, down,
>>>>>     whatever).
>>>>>     Above it does seem a lease timeout was triggered on a peon. This
>>>>> may
>>>>>     have happened because:
>>>>>     1. leader did not extend the lease
>>>>>     2. leader did extend the lease but lease was in the past - usually
>>>>>     indication of a clock skew on the leader, on the peons, or both.
>>>>>     3. leader did extend the lease, it was with the correct time but
>>>>>     peon failed to dispatch the message on time.
>>>>>     Both 1. and 2. may be due to several factors, but most commonly
>>>>> it's
>>>>>     because the monitor was stuck doing something. This something, more
>>>>>     often than not, is leveldb. If this is the case, check the size of
>>>>>     your leveldb. If it is over 5 or 6GB in size, you may need to
>>>>>     manually compact the store (mon compact on start = true, iirc).
>>>>>     HTH
>>>>>        -Joao
>>>>>         On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Joao Eduardo Luis <
>>>>> j...@suse.de
>>>>>         <mailto:j...@suse.de>
>>>>>         <mailto:j...@suse.de <mailto:j...@suse.de>>> wrote:
>>>>>              On 07/25/2016 03:41 PM, Sergio A. de Carvalho Jr. wrote:
>>>>>                  In the logs, there 2 monitors are constantly reporting
>>>>>         that they
>>>>>                  won the
>>>>>                  leader election:
>>>>>                  60z0m02 (monitor 0):
>>>>>                  2016-07-25 14:31:11.644335 7f8760af7700  0
>>>>>         log_channel(cluster) log
>>>>>                  [INF] : mon.60z0m02@0 won leader election with
>>>>> quorum 0,2,4
>>>>>                  2016-07-25 14:31:44.521552 7f8760af7700  1
>>>>>                  mon.60z0m02@0(leader).paxos(paxos recovering c
>>>>>         1318755..1319320)
>>>>>                  collect
>>>>>                  timeout, calling fresh election
>>>>>                  60zxl02 (monitor 1):
>>>>>                  2016-07-25 14:31:59.542346 7fefdeaed700  1
>>>>>                  mon.60zxl02@1(electing).elector(11441) init, last
>>>>> seen
>>>>>         epoch 11441
>>>>>                  2016-07-25 14:32:04.583929 7fefdf4ee700  0
>>>>>         log_channel(cluster) log
>>>>>                  [INF] : mon.60zxl02@1 won leader election with
>>>>> quorum 1,2,4
>>>>>                  2016-07-25 14:32:33.440103 7fefdf4ee700  1
>>>>>                  mon.60zxl02@1(leader).paxos(paxos recovering c
>>>>>         1318755..1319319)
>>>>>                  collect
>>>>>                  timeout, calling fresh election
>>>>>              There are two likely scenarios to explain this:
>>>>>              1. The monitors have different monitors in their monmaps
>>>>> - this
>>>>>              could happen if you didn't add the new monitor via 'ceph
>>>>>         mon add'.
>>>>>              You can check this by running 'ceph daemon mon.<ID>
>>>>>         mon_status' for
>>>>>              each of the monitors in the cluster.
>>>>>              2. some of the monitors are unable to communicate with
>>>>> each
>>>>>         other,
>>>>>              thus will never acknowledge the same leader. This does not
>>>>>         mean you
>>>>>              have two leaders for the same cluster, but it does mean
>>>>>         that you
>>>>>              will end up having two monitors declaring victory and
>>>>>         become the
>>>>>              self-proclaimed leader in the cluster. The peons should
>>>>>         still only
>>>>>              belong to one quorum.
>>>>>              If this does not help you, try setting 'debug mon = 10'
>>>>> and
>>>>>         'debug
>>>>>              ms = 1' on the monitors and check the logs, making sure
>>>>> the
>>>>>         monitors
>>>>>              get the probes and follow the election process. If you
>>>>> need
>>>>>         further
>>>>>              assistance, put those logs online somewhere we can access
>>>>>         them and
>>>>>              we'll try to help you out.
>>>>>                 -Joao
>>>>>                  On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Sergio A. de
>>>>> Carvalho Jr.
>>>>>                  <scarvalh...@gmail.com <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com>
>>>>>         <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>                  <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com
>>>>>         <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com> <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com
>>>>>         <mailto:scarvalh...@gmail.com>>>>
>>>>>                  wrote:
>>>>>                       Hi,
>>>>>                       I have a cluster of 5 hosts running Ceph 0.94.6
>>>>> on
>>>>>         CentOS
>>>>>                  6.5. On
>>>>>                       each host, there is 1 monitor and 13 OSDs. We had
>>>>>         an issue
>>>>>                  with the
>>>>>                       network and for some reason (which I still don't
>>>>>         know why), the
>>>>>                       servers were restarted. One host is still down,
>>>>>         but the
>>>>>                  monitors on
>>>>>                       the 4 remaining servers are failing to enter a
>>>>> quorum.
>>>>>                       I managed to get a quorum of 3 monitors by
>>>>>         stopping all Ceph
>>>>>                       monitors and OSDs across all machines, and
>>>>>         bringing up the
>>>>>                  top 3
>>>>>                       ranked monitors in order of rank. After a few
>>>>>         minutes, the
>>>>>                  60z0m02
>>>>>                       monitor (the top ranked one) became the leader:
>>>>>                       {
>>>>>                            "name": "60z0m02",
>>>>>                            "rank": 0,
>>>>>                            "state": "leader",
>>>>>                            "election_epoch": 11328,
>>>>>                            "quorum": [
>>>>>                                0,
>>>>>                                1,
>>>>>                                2
>>>>>                            ],
>>>>>                            "outside_quorum": [],
>>>>>                            "extra_probe_peers": [],
>>>>>                            "sync_provider": [],
>>>>>                            "monmap": {
>>>>>                                "epoch": 5,
>>>>>                                "fsid":
>>>>>         "2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af",
>>>>>                                "modified": "2016-04-28
>>>>> 22:26:48.604393",
>>>>>                                "created": "0.000000",
>>>>>                                "mons": [
>>>>>                                    {
>>>>>                                        "rank": 0,
>>>>>                                        "name": "60z0m02",
>>>>>                                        "addr": "
>>>>>         <>
>>>>>                  <> <
>>>>> >\/0"
>>>>>                                    },
>>>>>                                    {
>>>>>                                        "rank": 1,
>>>>>                                        "name": "60zxl02",
>>>>>                                        "addr": "
>>>>>         <>
>>>>>                  <> <
>>>>> >\/0"
>>>>>                                    },
>>>>>                                    {
>>>>>                                        "rank": 2,
>>>>>                                        "name": "610wl02",
>>>>>                                        "addr": "
>>>>>         <>
>>>>>                  <> <
>>>>> >\/0"
>>>>>                                    },
>>>>>                                    {
>>>>>                                        "rank": 3,
>>>>>                                        "name": "618yl02",
>>>>>                                        "addr": "
>>>>>         <>
>>>>>                  <> <
>>>>> >\/0"
>>>>>                                    },
>>>>>                                    {
>>>>>                                        "rank": 4,
>>>>>                                        "name": "615yl02",
>>>>>                                        "addr": "
>>>>>         <>
>>>>>                  <> <
>>>>> >\/0"
>>>>>                                    }
>>>>>                                ]
>>>>>                            }
>>>>>                       }
>>>>>                       The other 2 monitors became peons:
>>>>>                       "name": "60zxl02",
>>>>>                            "rank": 1,
>>>>>                            "state": "peon",
>>>>>                            "election_epoch": 11328,
>>>>>                            "quorum": [
>>>>>                                0,
>>>>>                                1,
>>>>>                                2
>>>>>                            ],
>>>>>                       "name": "610wl02",
>>>>>                            "rank": 2,
>>>>>                            "state": "peon",
>>>>>                            "election_epoch": 11328,
>>>>>                            "quorum": [
>>>>>                                0,
>>>>>                                1,
>>>>>                                2
>>>>>                            ],
>>>>>                       I then proceeded to start the fourth monitor,
>>>>> 615yl02
>>>>>                  (618yl02 is
>>>>>                       powered off), but after more than 2 hours and
>>>>>         several election
>>>>>                       rounds, the monitors still haven't reached a
>>>>>         quorum. The
>>>>>                  monitors
>>>>>                       alternate mostly between "election", "probing"
>>>>>         states but
>>>>>                  they often
>>>>>                       seem to be in different election epochs.
>>>>>                       Is this normal?
>>>>>                       Is there anything I can do to help the monitors
>>>>>         elect a leader?
>>>>>                       Should I manually remove the dead host's monitor
>>>>>         from the
>>>>>                  monitor map?
>>>>>                       I left all OSD daemons stopped while the election
>>>>>         is going on
>>>>>                       purpose. Is this the best thing to do? Would
>>>>>         bringing the
>>>>>                  OSDs up
>>>>>                       help or complicate matters even more? Or doesn't
>>>>>         it make
>>>>>                  any difference?
>>>>>                       I don't see anything obviously wrong in the
>>>>>         monitor logs.
>>>>>                  They're
>>>>>                       mostly filled with messages like the following:
>>>>>                       2016-07-25 14:17:57.806148 7fc1b3f7e700  1
>>>>>                       mon.610wl02@2(electing).elector(11411) init,
>>>>> last seen
>>>>>                  epoch 11411
>>>>>                       2016-07-25 14:17:57.829198 7fc1b7caf700  0
>>>>>                  log_channel(audit) log
>>>>>                       [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket'
>>>>>                  cmd='mon_status'
>>>>>                       args=[]: dispatch
>>>>>                       2016-07-25 14:17:57.829200 7fc1b7caf700  0
>>>>>                  log_channel(audit) do_log
>>>>>                       log to syslog
>>>>>                       2016-07-25 14:17:57.829254 7fc1b7caf700  0
>>>>>                  log_channel(audit) log
>>>>>                       [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket'
>>>>>                  cmd=mon_status
>>>>>                       args=[]: finished
>>>>>                       Any help would be hugely appreciated.
>>>>>                       Thanks,
>>>>>                       Sergio
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