Hi guys i'm reading different documents about bluestore, and it never
recommends to use NVRAM to store the bluefs db, nevertheless the official
documentation says that, is better to use the faster device to put the
block.db in.

In my cluster i have NVRAM devices of 400GB, SSDs disks for high
performance and SATA disks for cold storage.

So how do i have to deploy using bluestore, regarding where i should put
block.wal and block.db ?
Do i have to use the NVRAM just for the block.wal and put the the block.db
in the same SATA and SSD disks as the DATA ? or should i have to use NVRAM
for both block.wal and block.db ?

Any idea if exists some special constraint about putting block.db into
NVRAM, even when the backend disk is an SSD ?

Thanks in Advanced.

*Maximiliano Venesio*
*Chief Cloud Architect | NUBELIU*
E-mail: massimo@nubeliu.comCell: +54 9 11 3770 1853
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