Is there any guidance on the sizes for the WAL and DB devices when they are separated to an SSD/NVMe?  I understand that probably there isn't a one size fits all number, but perhaps something as a function of cluster/usage parameters like OSD size and usage pattern (amount of writes, number/size of objects, etc.)? Also, once numbers are chosen and the OSD is in use, is there a way to tell what portion of these spaces are used?



On 09/20/2017 05:36 PM, Nigel Williams wrote:
On 21 September 2017 at 04:53, Maximiliano Venesio < <>> wrote:

    Hi guys i'm reading different documents about bluestore, and it
    never recommends to use NVRAM to store the bluefs db, nevertheless
    the official documentation says that, is better to use the faster
    device to put the block.db in.

​Likely not mentioned since no one yet has had the opportunity to test it.​

    So how do i have to deploy using bluestore, regarding where i
    should put block.wal and block.db ?

​block.* would be best on your NVRAM device, like this:

​ceph-deploy osd create --bluestore c0osd-136:/dev/sda --block-wal /dev/nvme0n1 --block-db /dev/nvme0n1

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