You'll have to tell LVM about multi-path, otherwise LVM gets confused.
But that should be the only thing


Paul Emmerich

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On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 6:04 PM Mike Cave <> wrote:
> Greetings all!
> I am looking at upgrading to Nautilus in the near future (currently on 
> Mimic). We have a cluster built on 480 OSDs all using multipath and simple 
> block devices. I see that the ceph-disk tool is now deprecated and the 
> ceph-volume tool doesn’t do everything that ceph-disk did for simple devices 
> (e.g. I’m unable to activate a new osd and set the location of wal/block.db, 
> so far as I have been able to figure out). So for disk replacements going 
> forward it could get ugly.
> We deploy/manage using Ceph Ansible.
> I’m okay with updating the OSDs to LVM and understand that it will require a 
> full rebuild of each OSD.
> I was thinking of going OSD by OSD through the cluster until they are all 
> completed. However, someone suggested doing an entire node at a time (that 
> would be 20 OSDs at a time in this case). Is one method going to be better 
> than the other?
> Also a question about setting-up LVM: given I’m using multipath devices, do I 
> have to preconfigure the LVM devices before running the ansible plays or will 
> ansible take care of the LVM setup (even though they are on multipath)?
> I would then do the upgrade to Nautilus from Mimic after all the OSDs were 
> converted.
> I’m looking for opinions on best practices to complete this as I’d like to 
> minimize impact to our clients.
> Cheers,
> Mike Cave
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