Den fre 15 nov. 2019 kl 19:40 skrev Mike Cave <>:

> So would you recommend doing an entire node at the same time or per-osd?

You should be able to do it per-OSD (or per-disk in case you run more than
one OSD per disk), to minimize data movement over the network, letting
other OSDs on the same host take a bit of the load while re-making the
disks one by one. You can use "ceph osd reweight <number> 0.0" to make the
particular OSD release its data but still claim it supplies $crush-weight
to the host, meaning the other disks will have to take its data more or
Moving data between disks in the same host usually goes lots faster than
over the network to other hosts.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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