
When in our society did we start making the villains into the victims?

>From: "Mark Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Violent education
>Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 10:32:13 -0400
>As an avid hunter (I've been shooting guns since I was 10) and a very proud 
>prior military (SGT - 5th Special Forces Group - FT. Campbell, KY) I 
>thought I would chime-in on this topic...
>I honestly think it comes down to one thing. Our society today does 
>everything and anything it can to blame their problems or wrong-doings on 
>something or someone else. Wake the F*CK up and take responsibility for 
>your actions!!! Video games are no more responsible for violence than guns 
>are, period! We live in a time where morals and values don't mean a damn 
>thing anymore. If someone gets so violent and irrational that they pick up 
>a gun, pipe, bat, knife, rope, c4, tnt, arsanic, rat poison, etc. and go 
>kill or mame another human being, I think it's safe to say that the person 
>has much bigger issues than simply owning a gun or violent video game. It 
>sounds so simple. But why then, has nobody tried to tackle that issue - 
>being responsible for your actions??? Poor guy, he would have never killed 
>that person if it wasn't because of Doom. Give me a break. Poor guy my a$$. 
>Maybe we could use people like that for the guilatine experiment mentioned 
>earlier. The more we blame our problems on other things and other people, 
>this world will only get more violent.
>Mark Stewart
>Communication Concepts
>215.672.6900 x1332
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/07/01 09:25AM >>>
>Gel, I agree with everything you said except this;
>"These children were TAUGHT to shoot a gun by their
>parents/relatives in the
>case of the Columbine kids.
>They were hunters..weren't they?
>That is where they learnt to handle guns."
>Hunting does teach a person how to handle guns. And, if
>it is the same in the States as it is in Canada, every
>licensed hunter must go through a training and
>licensing program. I suspect it is the same. And, at
>least in Canada, the percentage of hunters who commit
>violent crimes with their fire-arms is astoundingly
>lower than the percentage of non-hunting people who
>commit violent acts with fire-arms. I cannot say this
>is the same for Americans, but I'd bet a donut (or
>muffin) it is.
>Being taught how to shoot a gun is not necessarily the
>same as being taught to be violent and disrespectful
>for human life. No more than learning to use a knife at
>the dinner table can be contributed to violent
>As an anecdotal evidence; I know how to handle
>fire-arms of many kinds yet I do not own any and would
>never knowingly take a human life, not even in self
>defense or defense of family.
>So, Gel, please don't take this is me coming down hard
>on you. I think you are a great guy. Please simple take
>this as a bit of an education from someone involved in
>the hunting community. The rest of your statement is
>right on the money! You go Gel!
>Guy J. McDowell
>"In with the love, out with the jive..."
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