One problem with your logic, Gun Control does not impede criminals from 
getting firearms(Look how much illegal coke is smuggled into this country). 
It only impedes lawful citizens. I think everyone for gun control should put 
a big sign in their yard (We have no firearms in this household). This would 
serve as a great invite to burglars.

The next problem with your logic is where do you draw the line? Drug dealers 
train attack dogs to protect their 'crack houses'. When the police bust in, 
these dogs attack the police buying their owners time to either attempt 
escape or destroy evidence. Do we ban owning dogs?

Then for our Jewish brethern on the list.... One of the first things Adolf 
Hitler did was push gun control... I wonder why?


>From: "John Wilker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Violent education
>Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 09:54:24 -0700
>The only problem with that is the impact on those of us that aren't
>emotionally or psychologically disturbed. I like duke nukems, DOOMs, Wolf
>3Ds, etc... I think it's a parents responsibility to govern any aspect of
>their children's lives that they are concerned about. Parents have the 
>and authority to not buy the violent games or the toy guns for their kids.
>Of course keeping your kid away from a violent video game is probably
>pointless when you've got a couple of assault rifles and machine guns in 
>closet. I know, I know, they're for hunting, and you definitely want to be
>armed to the teeth when those vicious deer come at ya. If you can unload a
>few hundred rounds into it in a very short period of time, your life is at
>risk. I just read the other day about a terrible deer attach, killed an
>entire hunting party, turned out they didn't have enough semi-auto assault
>rifles and pistols.
>As long as our country values the right to own weapons of destruction in 
>name of protection and game hunting, we'll never get past this violence,
>it's just too easily accessible. Even the most normal kids can just get
>really mad and want to do something about the school bully, and it's sure
>convenient to go up and get dad pistol..
>If we had strict gun control then who would we need to protect ourselves
>from? If the criminals couldn't get guns then people wouldn't think they
>needed them in their houses.
>I sure like my odds in knife or rock fight over those in a shoot out.
>John Wilker
>Web Applications Consultant
>Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer
> <>
>"Pessimism - Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but lightning kills
>hundreds of people each year who are trying to find it."
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jim Nitterauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 9:45 AM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: RE: Violent education
>But we should all question the character of any company that would condone
>the marketing of such games to impressionable people all in the name of
>making a profit. These people should use their talents in more positive
>Jim Nitterauer
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:22 AM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: RE: Violent education
>Awwwwww..wittle Dances With Horsies don't be depressed..
>*wiggles her earlobes in a non-depressed manner*
>Don't lose sight of the whole topic though..which was basically that
>whatever the real reasons for these kids' actions, it wasn't Violent Video
>Games or the Entertainment Industry to blame..which is what is being
>insinuated by the latest lawsuit, and by statements made by Senator 
>and Lieberman.
>And I question once again the ***reasons*** for the smokescreen they are
>presenting to the American public.
>And also why the American News Media is only showing one side of these
>arguments.Even Tech TV only showed one side. THey didn' have links to the
>Surgeon General's Report, or the FCC report which does not match the wild
>accusations which Lieberman and Ashcroft are making.
>I'm of the opinion that those two boys were just stupid.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>**** Now I'm depressed. Will have to go play the Shoot-em sheep Flash game.
>Hmmmm...there must be something significant there..... *****
>(with a *K*)
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