I agree that the death penalty sort of errs on the side of barbarism,
however I heard on the news yesterday that a study shows that for every
execution 8 murders are deterred. So if executing the guilty saves 8 lives I
say let's light 'em up. I certainly don't think a life of relative leisure
is the best punishment (free cable, gym facilities, 3 meals, library)
granted prisons are tough and scary with the whole man love thing and the
gangs, but I think that's kind of the point. Shoot, I'd kill a man if I knew
I'd be set for life in a nice safe environment. Prison is a deterrent. I
think if the country (the states) got aggressive and started lighting these
guys up each week crime would probly taper a little or a lot. I think most
of us would think twice if we knew that death was not only assured but would
come quickly.


John Wilker
Web Applications Consultant
Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer

www.red-omega.com <http://www.red-omega.com>

Pepsi's "Come Alive With the Pepsi Generation" translated into "Pepsi Brings
Your Ancestors Back From the Grave" in Chinese.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Gilchrist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 8:14 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Revenge has it's place

What are people's thoughts on the idea that a person rotting in jail for the
rest of their lives is punishment enough for any crime?  It's interesting
that in Ireland we just voted out the any provision for capital punishment
out of the constitution (we also just rejected the European Nice treaty and
shocked a lot of people, an interesting mix of left and right

I don't want to start a flame war so I'll try and provide some counterpoints
and rebuttals.

"But we need to make sure that person is never in a position to commit
murder/atrocities again"
Surely this is met by keeping someone in a cell for the rest of their life
without parole.

"Modern jails are too easy on murderers.  They can watch TV and read books."
Isn't that torture and a cruel irony in itself?
Watching TV, to me, would just remind me of everything I can't be a part of
And as for reading books, that provides an opportunity for the greatest
punishment of all,  that a person reach a point where they actually do
realize remorse but yet still have to live with the result of their actions.
And even if a prisoner went to their grave unrepentant, do we the public,
not have the last laugh so to speak, that somebody could be so misguided and

"The bible says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
I'm no scholar and I think the quote is from the Old Testament but is it not
superceded (such a geek versionistic approach) by the New Testament to
practice forgiveness "and turn the other cheek."

"People like that need to be removed from the gene-pool."
Satisfied by life imprisonment with life parole I would think.

"Why should I as a tax-payer pay to keep someone in jail for their
It's actually cheaper to do so than to pay death-row appeals which we have
concede are necessary.  In a perfect world the justice system would put
guilty people on death-row  but that isn't always the case as evidenced by
all the pardons been given by new DNA evidence in recent years.  Such a big
problem in one state that it had to issue a moratorium in death sentences
until it can do a review of it's judicial system.

I'm genuinely interested in just exploring the issue and keen to see if
there may be other  arguments to continue capital punishment other than a
value judgment, i.e. "what you've said makes sense but sorry, that person
has to die and that's just the way I feel about" which is fine.

(sorry about that, got me thinking...
rant over.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Chanter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:41 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Revenge has it's place

Isn't that what the Klu Klux Klan used to do to people?

> --- Original Message ---
> "I think they should have drug the SOB behind a pickup to
> Oklahoma City and
> hung him in the square"
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