It's a rights thing. This was the location of the Holy Temple. Before 
Christianity it was there. Before Islam it was there. It's ours. Why can't 
we pray there? Why are others claiming it as theirs only? We aren't.
It doesn't matter if the state of Israel exists if Jews are prohibited from 
practicing their religion there. We've been prohibited in so many places 
for so long that to have it thrown in our faces that "no, you can't pray by 
the ruins of the temple" is an insult to the core.
This is all besides the point that most Jews would not pray there for 
reasons of ritual purity. It's the fact that we wouldn't (and don't) have 
the right anyway. And the clerics there claiming it's a Muslim site only 
and we have no right to it.... Chutzpa to the max.

>Michael, this is NOT a reflection on your religion... just honest
>curiosity... but, why is this important to your faith? If they get mad and
>threaten violence when you (err, not your personally, people of your faith)
>try to pray there, why not just don't go there? Does your religion say that
>you have to make a prayer in a specific spot? Again, like I said, if I knew
>that Jesus died at point X, and I couldn't go there, it just wouldn't matter
>to me, and I consider myself to have _very_ strong feelings about Jesus and
>my religion. I don't mean this to put down your religion, but it seems odd
>to me. (So, again, explain it to me please. ) As a follow up, even if your
>religion says that you should pray at point X, wouldn't other rules of
>nonviolence override them?
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