There is actually a lot more at the root of "the Troubles" than religion.
The PIRA are in a communist revolution against the British.  And if I
remember my Marx correctly, religion is part of what keeps the proleteriate
subjegated ("the opiate of the masses").

Religion is just the excuse the parties use.  It is really an economic war
being waged at the expense of the citizens of Ireland and Great Britian.

But beyond your religious observation, I agree with everything else you
brought up.  I do think that the Middle Eastern situation boils down to
something beside religion.  Religion is just the facade they parties can
hide behind and use to whip up support from those that might not really
support the war.

Note to Michael - I do think the religous sites are important.  Banning any
group from them is wrong, regardless of alleged cause.  But it seems to me
that this is something Arafat is using to keep the war going, not the actual
cause of the war.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Gilchrist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 1:16 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: The Bushwacking continues...
> I think this is a very similar issue to Northern Ireland i.e. a conflict
> rooted in religion and over many years.
> To some extent, it was also caused by Britain/USA who after WW
> II, took land
> from one group and granted it to others.  Of course the sovereignty of
> Israel can be argued way back before the events of the WW II.  (To the UK
> subscribers on the list, this is just an observation of old events and
> policy.  I think modern Britain has made a big and positive difference to
> Northern Ireland over the last 10 years or so.  We can only hope that the
> terrorism will cease.)
> In Northern Ireland, I regard any paramilitary group as evil and
> a societal
> parasite (read: mafia with a political façade) as they aren't
> interested in
> peace as their self-importance is derived from the violence itself.  The
> violence in NI is not currently as bad as Israel but in past years it was
> certainly up there (Belfast lays claim to the most bombed hotel in the
> world).
> But most importantly, the majority of people in NI do not support violence
> which is usually perpetrated by organized extremist groups.
> When people see rioters in Belfast on TV, the people rioting are
> not exactly
> upstanding citizens, they're usually unemployed, known
> troublemakers looking
> for something to do.
> Is this not the case in Israel/Palestine?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 1:36 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: The Bushwacking continues...
> Is there no hurt on the side of the Palestinians as well?
> When palestinians, many of them rock throwing palestinians and
> innocents at
> the center of rocket attacks from Helicopter gunships and other military
> hardware are killed. Is this different from an all out terrorist
> attack when
> the lives of innocents who just happen to be there are lost? When
> women and
> children are killed in these attacks? What makes that right, and a suicide
> terrorist bombing wrong? What's the difference?
> When entire palestinain families are uprooted and made homeless when whole
> housing buildings are bulldozed because Israeli's claim that sniper fire
> came from the rooftop? When the world watches horrified as a
> father and his
> child are brutally gunned down in crossfire as the father screams for help
> and for them to stop the shooting?
> Are the Palestinians the demons that others make them out to be?
> OR are they
> simply a people fighting for freedom and the right to live and move freely
> and peacefully in a land that , right or wrong, they call home?
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> No, but they're not the devils that the press makes them out to be. The
> press has a number they like to tout out all time on how many
> people on each
> side have been killed during this war. They ignore the hurt, the
> maimed, the
> failed attacks, the constant mortor attacks, etc. They also count
> a suicide
> bomber in the same way they count his victims. Any suicide bomber
> should be
> buried with the carcasses of pigs. See how fast they kill women
> and children
> when they're chances of going to heaven (and being waited on by
> 70 virgins)
> are dashed to hell.
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