The link is to the Department of Homeland Security. Curiously, they have several feel-good news items about how the country is safer from terrorism because of the work of the department but there is absolutely no mention of the potential terror threats that Ashcroft announced to the media.

So if Ashcroft is making the announcements about a threat to the Homeland*, what are Tom Ridge and the DoHS doing? Writing glowing press releases about themselves, apparently. And didn't Bush just get up in front of the nation to tell us how great everything is going? So are things going great or is the risk of threat increased? And if the Pres is going to take time from his busy schedule to talk to the People he serves and there really is a threat, why wouldn't the Pres have a responsibility to mention it? Delegating the dirty work? Good cop, bad cop? They didn't tell him? I dunno.

Ashcroft is making threat announcements while Bush and Ridge are handing out soma? Who's in charge? What's the plot twist of this story we're living?

* "Homeland" always makes me think of "Fatherland" and "Mother Russia". It just feels creepy.


>Maybe OT of post, as I did not read the link, but:
>I love it when they issue these "unspecified" threat warnings, even coupled
>with some pictures it smacks of phony to me.
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