I really believe that turning out to vote will make the difference in this
election - rarely does more than 10% of the eligible electorate even bother to
go vote.  If I do nothing else on election day, I do cast my ballot, I just wish
others would do the same, even if they vote differently than I do.

When the votes cast get closer to 75+ % then I think we could expect a more
representative government - otherwise it will remain a government of and by the
fat cats and special interests.

As for opinion, if this administration was committing at least as much resources
toward the eradication of Al Queda as it is in securing control of the petroleum
supply in Iraq, the country might be better off.

Remember, we are not safe from attack here, our borders are still wide open, the
clerks at the state department still grant visas without checking the CIA and
FBI databases, (which are probably not accurate anyway)  The Airport security is
a confidence patch and for show only, not effective.  Still the majority of the
screeners are not even citizens of the US. and spend more time on stealing
privacy and personal information and rejecting nail clippers and infant formula
than doing real security screening.

The CIA is still avidly in the drug importation business to finance black
operations, most all of which come back to bite us later.

The Vice President's company, Halliburton and sub-contractors are still ripping
off the US treasury, and now do it on a tax free basis.

The Republican leadership in the congress is still traveling around the country
to influence re-districting in order to improve the delectability of
Republicans.  Colorado and Texas are but the more obvious examples.

The so-called Medicare reform still favors the Pharmaceutical companies and
forbids the Agencies from negotiating more favorable pricing.  We are receiving
warnings daily on the rip-offs by the so-called Prescription discount cards.

I could go on, but would just be repeating previous posts.  These are not just
rumors, they are facts


Last week she got her voter's registration card and can't wait to vote in
November. I guess you could characterize it as a positive effect of the Bush
administration, in that if she didn't so totally despise the current crowd,
she probably would not have voted....
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