> From: Harkins, Patrick
> A Panda bear walks into a bar. Sits down at a table and
> orders a beer and a double cheeseburger. After he is finished
> eating, he pulls out a gun and rips the place with gunfire.
> Patrons scatter and dive under chairs and tables as the bear
> runs out the door. After ensuring that no one is hurt, the
> bartender races out the door, and calls after the bear. "Why
> did you do that for?" The bear calls back, "I`m a Panda bear.
> Look it up in the dictionary." The bartender returns, pulls
> out his dictionary. Panda : ('Panda), n. (Zool.) A small
> Asiatic mammal (Ailurus fulgens) having fine soft fur. It is
> related to the bears, and inhabits the mountains of Northern
> India. Eats shoots and leaves.

I originally heard a much ruder version of this joke...
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