What is really scary is the extent of the laundry list of corruption that has
permeated this administration from the top down in just three short years.  I
think it is going to take decades to undo all of it.

Packing the academy of science with ultra right wing conservatives.
In bed with the religious radicals (fundamentalists) ref: this thread.
Incredible corruption with contracts with the Vice Presidents' company,
Lies and more lies about justification for invading Iraq, and little progress on
the stated purpose of eradicating Al Quiada and Osama.
Depending on Iraq ex-patriots for their so-called intelligence which has proved
time and again to be false, false, false.
Using official Oppression against the military reserves, by delaying
retirements, and end of enlistments.
In bed with the corporations that have been first raping the California
consumers over power, and now protecting the Petroleum industry.
Passing a Medicare reform bill that does not help seniors but protects the
Pharmaceutical companies from contracting for discounts, Authorizing "discount
cards" that do nothing to benefit the seniors but benefit the drug companies.
Sending Republican leadership from the congress out to the states to lobby for
passage of redistricting legislation to guarantee the re-election of republican
congresspersons (succeeded in Colorado and Texas, and alive and well in
Assigning Generals to head up investigations who are not only in a conflict of
interest, but guaranteed to protect the hierarchy and throw a few enlisted to
the dogs.

There is more, much more.

I really encourage everyone in the US no matter your political persuasion to
make sure you are registered to vote in time for the November Election, and then
strive to cast your ballot for the candidate of your choice, as well as the
delegate of your choice for the Electoral College.

  scary doesn't even begin to address this. Bottom line is that these are
  fundamentalists who see an entire people as nothing more than pawns in their
  'end of days' scenario.
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