There is not equality in men and birth, Ken, I agree.  I do not see a fair solution, however.  So I choose not to have a strong opinion about it.  

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Ken Ketsdever
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:57 AM
  Subject: FW: Conversation Topic - Abortion

  So a father to be (wed or not) wants the child.  The mother to be doesn't want the child. Should she be able to abort it against the fathers wishes?   

  If the mother to be wants the child and the father to be doesn't he is still responsible for the child for the next 18 years.   Yet he has no say in the reverse scenerio.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:56 AM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: RE: Conversation Topic - Abortion

  > From: Lyons, Larry
  > Not the same situation at all. A collection of cells that
  > cannot exist outside the womb should have the same moral
  > equivalency of a child with a personality, the start of an
  > education, and some idea of right vs. wrong?

  But a child doesn't develop a personality until several years - does
  this mean that you can abort upto 1 year old?

  I am personally of the opinion that it is the woman's choice

  It is her body that is carrying the fetus, therefore it should be her
  choice whether she wants to carry it - nobody should "impose" their
  opinion on that person

  Next they'll be telling people that they can't have tattoos, even though
  it's their body
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