Its all her decision.   Its not my body, or my fetus.

I recently watched a tv program where labor was induced early so the mother could begin chemotherapy.  It was a sad show.  She found out about the breast cancer after she concieved.   I personally would have aborted the fetus and started chemo right away.  
----- Original Message -----
  From: dana tierney
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: Conversation Topic - Abortion

  He's an agnostic. Viability is a reasonable place to draw a line, if you want my opinion. You could quarrel with this if so inclined, but let's not. What, in your opinion, should happen post-viability if the mother wants an abortion or wants to do something that poses a risk to the baby? Chemotherapy let's say? Or sky-diving? Enlistment? Driving a car?

  Feel free to jump in here, John :)


  > And John, do you have a religion?
  > To me its common sense that a fetus that lives inside its mother and
  > cannot live outside is NOT a baby.
  > ----- Original Message -----
  > From: John Stanley
  > To: CF-Community
  > Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 3:48 PM
  > Subject: RE: Conversation Topic - Abortion
  > >>Dana, calling "abortion" "murdering our children" is a religious
  > > concept, imo, not common sensical.  A fetus is not a "child".
  > I believe I said it was murdering children. This is not a religious
  > concept
  > to me. It IS common sense. If you are pregnant and you choose to end
  > the
  > pregnancy by abortion, then you are murdering your child. To me, life
  > begins
  > upon conception. There is also a double standard here, when some
  > people
  > argue for abortion, they claim that the fetus is not a child, but then
  > when
  > they get the news that their sister/cousin/friend just had a
  > miscarriage,
  > they rush over to confort them when they lost their baby. If it's not
  > a
  > baby, you should tell them on the phone, "hey, toughen up. It's not a
  > baby,
  > it's just a collection of cells" yeah, right.
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