You know what gives you DOom 3 graphics now?


Yes...I was shocked. The graphics in this game are awesome, and look
just like the Doom 3 screenshots I've seen so far.
bump mapping, real time detailed shadows, realistic lighting..the works.

The gameplay is great too! I love the use of the analog stick for
fighting, gives everything a fluid feel although I would have preferred
holding down the punch button and moving the analog stick, rather than
having to pull the right trigger and move the analog in a direction
simultaneously to punch. The moves and counter moves which involves
timing pulling the right trigger just before your enemy lands a melee
attack on you, are very well done.

The graphics engine makes you truly feel that you are playing this game
as Riddick, the atmosphere is almost palpable. Vin Diesel's voice acting
is another highlight of the game, in fact the cut scenes and voice
acting are hollywood quality. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. THis game
should win an award, I hope it is a big seller.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wake me when Half Life 2 comes out. :-\

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