Ahhh, 'tis so refreshing to see two adults conduct a rational, yet
passionate debate about the issues of our day...

Hey guys, no offense, but why don't you take this off list....

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:30 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Know Your Enemy

Yo! O's-Mounting-Moore, what the hell are you talking
about? You're like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth
biting at my ancles.
Get off me you stupid mutt!

--- Michael Haggerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love the way dittoheads deny they are dittoheads
> the moment they are confronted. Like most people,
> they are ashamed to admit they agree with a
> demogouge, but lack the moral clarity or personal
> vision to stand up for what is right when they are
> alone.

What they hell is this? Stay focused M&M. Did I imply
I was ashamed of being a dittohead? I said I don't get
to listen as often as I'd like. I think of it as a
great honor that I am not truly worth of because I
find it difficult to code while listening to Rush.

Now about your mad rant, I think you need to be
sedated. Where did you get that list? Air America?
What do you have it playing while you sleep?
Your list is just childish name calling that doesn't
apply to any conservative point of views. You think
you can hold discussions with people by
just calling them names out of your DNC book? One size
fits all?

It's obvious you're not a programmer because you don't
have a train of thought. Just mad rants. So why are
you even on this list?
You probably spew the same hatred every time you here
Rush's name. Then you smile in the corner thinking, "I
told him."- hehehe.
Meanwhile if you look up you'de see everybody stepping
away from you. The all realize you're a nutter. I'd
love for you to publish your secret
list of supporters now after you made such an ass of
yourself. Think anyone would come forward on thier

I've grown very tired of this thread so will put it to
bed. If you folks want to continue, go on, talk
amongst yourselves.

Oh and OMM, don't answer this with another
hallucinogenic rant. Just mumble your response to

PS Dana,
It was actually in the first link I published. here it
is again:

George Will would be perfect. I didn't think he did
interviews and I figured he was way to conservative
for this group anyway.

> Here's how to recognize a dittohead, ideas lifted
> from one far more eloquent than I:
> 1) Supreme belief in the cult of tradition: things
> will be okay because we are Americans, because we
> always do what is right, our forefathers made this a
> christian state and we should do all we can to
> preserve it, yada yada...
> 2) Rejecting modernism: Feminazis, the NEA, the UN,
> multiculturalism...
> 3) Irrationalism: GWB's skewed speech and flawed
> logic are celebrated as distinctly American
> 4) Action for Action's Sake: Iraq! Yee ha!
> 5) Disagreement is Treason: Liberals are
> Anti-American
> 6) Fear of Difference: Muslims, Islam, free-thinkers
> - we must eliminate them all! Get those scientists
> in line with policy.
> 7) Appeal to a frustrated Middle Class - Limbaugh is
> on the air 16-24 hours a day in some states.
> 8) Obsession with a plot - Clinton was out to sell
> America's missile secrets and murder everyone who
> got in the way...
> 9) Humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force
> of their enemies - Kerry is a billionaire yet claims
> to be one of us!
> 10) Pacisifism is trafficing with the Enemy - The
> very essence of the attacks led by talk-radio hosts
> against antiwar protesters.
> 11) Life is Eternal Warfare - the war on drugs, the
> war on terrorism, the war on illiteracy, etc.
> 12) Contempt for the Weak - Spineless liberal
> bastards
> 13) Against rotten parlimentary governments -
> remember all those rants against big government?
> 14) Newsspeak - the creation of empty phrases
> combining opposite ideas - peace is war.
> Substitute your favorite term for despiser of
> freedom where appropriate.
> M

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