I find it very interesting how the justification for the
invasion/liberation of Iraq has morphed from "grave and growing
threat" to disapproval of the way Hussein ran the country.

IMHO, the acceptable grounds for military action do not include
disapproval or various forms of "it would be better done our way." If
you've inflicted harm upon me, or assisted others in harming me, or I
have verifiable proof that you have concrete plans (not rhetoric) to
harm me, that's one thing. But if all you do is bluster and I don't
like the way you conduct your internal affairs or I know that you have
an intense hatred for me, that's another.

Where are the WMDs? Where is the link to Al Qaeda? If either were more
than figments of imagination they would be trumpted from the highest
towers, especially in an election year. And don't trot out the
"national security" line for justification for why their existence is
kept under wraps. This isn't the leader of a cell that you want to
expose. These are the stated and implied justifications for invading a
soverign nation. It's waaay past time to put up or shut up.

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