At 10:19 6/30/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>subversive lib'ral rags all!
>'specially that Wall Street Journal...damned hippy peaceniks!

I find the investigating and reporting in the WSJ to be great.  I
especially like the art, it can even dull the avarice of Dennis Kozolwski.
Their op-ed are a bit conservative but well written most of the time and
almost always gutsy.  I have been trying to interject some Newsweek and
Time into my reading.  Newsweek seems more conservative as they were
definitely pro Reagan while Time wasn't exactly anti-Reagan but shed a less
favorable light on him.

I do occasionally watch The O'Reily Report and Scarborough Country, but I
am in no way an expert on their shows.  Different message same bend as any
of the more liberal news sources.  Although I do occasionally watch The
O'Reily Report and Scarborough Country my tolerance for poor journalism and
pain does have it's limits, I can't bring myself to watch Fox News.
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