
It would help the political arguments if the bashing was based on actual
facts rather than hear-say or insulting the person because of personal
political and social views.

If Clinton would have done the same thing Bush did, a lot of Americans who
oppose the war, would support it.

I think all of us should work on getting people to see/hear our point of
view without fighting.

You guys seem like intelligent, informed citizens. I am "smart" enough to at
least listen to your views and raise an eyebrow.

But I won't be able to hear your views if everyone is argumentative and

-----Original Message-----
From: Won Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 12:54 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: George W. Bush, a great president

At 12:38 6/30/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>What exactly was this?
>the one Haliburton no-bid thing

The proper protocol to win military contracts is to submit a competitive
bid detailing what you will do and for how much. Halliburton secured the
contract without a competitive bid.  People go to jail for violating army
procurement rules.  I have read several articles in the WSJ where experts
have stated that their opinion is that while certain protocols may have
been broken there doesn't look like a back-room deal was brokered and in
fact that need was an over-ruling factor in moving forward without the
competitive bids.  Furthermore, the unit of Halliburton that has been
accused of overcharging is KBR - which is a subsidiary of Halliburton - and
operates essentially like a separate company.  I just wouldn't make sense
for a guy like Cheney to make it this obvious.

That said, one can't but help wonder why is this administration and in
particular this project been marred with so many scandals and
suspicions?  Can they all be overblown conspiracy theories?

*Has any of this actually been resolved yet?  Has any independent agency
either cleared or denounced the legality of the Halliburton contract?
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