I've got to agree on Colin Powell, but when I say that some people seem to 
be taking advantage of this situation to further themselves, I specifically 
mean George W. Bush. And it's not just because my mother called me 
Wednesday to bitch about what a bad speaker he is. Here's why:

Tuesday, GWB flew around the country protecting his butt. I don't actually 
have a problem with that; he is a president and a symbol of America and was 
a legitimate target blah blah blah. His speeches were extremely short and 
read entirely off cue cards. That was my mother's problem with him. "All 
over the world, people are speaking from the heart but our president can't 
be trusted to do that so he has to read everything off notecards. I want to 
know what he would have said if he had spoken from the heart." He was 
completely unemotional Tuesday. Granted, he might have been in shock, but 
I'll get to that later.

Tuesday night, Peter Jennings ripped George W. Bush a new a**hole on 
national TV. I missed it. I want to see that footage. Apparently he bitched 
about Bush's reaction repeatedly for hours. Here were his complaints: Bush 
did not show any emotion at a time when the overwhelming tragedy should 
have made him cry, like it made other leaders cry, even leaders of foreign 
countries; he did not extend sympathy to the victims of this tragedy; Bush 
flew around the country protecting his butt like a big old chicken instead 
of returning to Washington DC where he could lead the country and give them 
a good example of strength and bravery.

What did GWB do? Got on an airplane for Washington. What did his camp do? 
Made statements that the President's movements were justified, that they 
had information which made a clear connection that he was a target, and 
that he was a moving target while in the air. Then they said that the 
president wanted to go to Washington but the secret service wouldn't let 
him. Then he finally said "Damn the secret service" and went against their 
advice. OK, so we're dealing with civilian aircraft being used as a bomb. 
We have a guy in a military airplane with defensive weapons and fighter 
plane escorts. He flies to a military base, but that apparently isn't safe 
enough. He gets back on the plane and fly to a second military base to be 
holed up in a nuclear bunker. At what point was there inadequate protection 
against unarmed civilian aircraft? He was a target while in the air? Yeah, 
those fighter planes would totally miss a jumbo jet headed for them, 
especially since all the rest of the jumbo jets were out of the sky. That 
doesn't make any sense. And to top if off, if he really wanted to go to 
Washington and had the power to ignore the advice of the secret service to 
go back to Washington that night, why didn't he have the power to do that 
earlier in the day?

The next day, GWB gave another speech, in which he cried and stated "I am a 
loving guy." That statement was in direct response to the media allegations 
that he was unemotional. What other purpose is there for that statement? It 
doesn't say "I really feel for the victims" or "I'm really upset about 
this." It is trying to cover his butt. Well, that doesn't give much 
credence to his crying. When I saw footage of Clinton, he had huge bags 
under his eyes like he'd been crying for hours. Bush looked like someone 
shoved cayenne pepper up his nose just before he went on TV.

Then he said "I'm going to New York tomorrow to hug the victims and cry 
with them." Why would you make a point that you plan to cry with the 
victims? What does that accomplish except to say that you have sympathy for 
them. I mean, if you are going to manipulate an audience, you could do a 
more convincing job than this.

Then there was the prayer ceremony in Washington, just before he left for 
NYC. Here's a still from it:
They are smiling.

Unfortunately, the accompanying article has been moved since the photos 
were posted to the site. The other photo showed him scowling and her with 
an extremely strange expression looking at the camera. They were wearing 
the same clothes, were at the same angle, and had the same people behind 
them, so yes, the photo was clearly from that ceremony. It was like "Honey, 
frown for the camera."

But what really made me laugh was when Cheney was sent to be holed up in a 
safe location without the president. I mean, we all know which one of them 
is more important to the Presidential duties. ;)

At 03:31 PM 9/17/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Speaking as a Brit, the guy that has really impressed me over this whole
>crisis is Colin Powell.
>My opinion of G.W.B has also improved somewhat, but still has a little way
>to go.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 17 September 2001 06:45
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: George W. Bush
>Those who have read some of my political rants prior to 9/11 know that I've
>been no fan of George W.
>But I must say, I'm reasonably impressed with his conduct for most of this
>week.  Sure, he's no FDR, but he's risen to the occasion, I think. On the
>first day, he had that "deer caught in the headlights" look, like he had the
>day he was declared the winner of Florida. But since then he has been a
>forceful and confident leader, which is what we need at this time.  I was
>most impressed with his largely impromptu remarks before the rescue workers
>in New York. I know I've never seen him speak so eloquently outside of
>prepared remarks, and I don't believe I ever heard his dad speak as well
>Of course, I support our president simply because he is our president, but I
>wanted to remark on what I see is a degree of growth on his part.
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