At 01:26 PM 9/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >> the reason Bush stacked his cabinet with people of color was to get the
> >> votes he needed from that sector of our population and keep them later.
>are you saying these people were not chosen because they are good at what
>they do and happen to be of color?
>that is a pretty broad statement to make about a group of people and i just
>don't agree with it!
>this statement also implies that people of color will only vote for other
>people of color based on their color...not because they may happen to do
>their job very well!
>seems pretty narrow minded to me

I don't think that's what he's saying. Those are political positions, 
assigned by someone who wants to keep his job and who didn't even get the 
popular vote. They probably are good at what they do. However, they may not 
be _the_best_ at what they do. People are chosen for those positions based 
partly on their political agreement with the person doing the assigning. 
That also doesn't mean that they are the best at what they do. If the 
person making the assignments has an obvious popularity problem, it stands 
to reason that some of the people selected may have been selected to 
increase his popularity. If these people were grossly underqualified, I'm 
sure we would have heard about it. But as I've said about many things in 
the last week, these things do not happen in a vacuum.

And his statement doesn't imply that people of color will only vote for 
people of color based on their color. It implies that people of color tend 
to vote for people who seem to support or be fair to people of color. 
Otherwise, it wouldn't be important for Bush to have people of color in his 
ranks, since any non-white candidate would automatically get the votes in 

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