Excuse me but Germany and France have troops currently serving in
Afghanistan, along with Canada. As for allies, having served along
side German troops in NATO, I cannot think of any army more
professional or dedicated. I'd be damn proud to have Germany as an
ally. Recently over 30 German soldiers died in a plane crash in
Afghanistan. Several more have been killed by Taliban forces. Germany
made significant contributions to Kosovo, Bosnia and other recent
military actions.

How dare you impune their dedication and bravery. Which is a more
valuable ally, a nation  you have to bribe, like Guatamala (who cut
and run the first chance they got), or a country that says you're
wrong and here's why, and still remains committed to the alliance
despite every insult the US has thrown at them.

Germany and France are still strong allies of the US, in spite of what
the Shrubbery has tried to do.

Next time you slander Germany remember German troops are out there
fighting for us as we sit nice and safe in our houses.


On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 17:22:54 -0700 (PDT), Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bad news for you dude. Bush is going to win :)
> And I really don't know what allies you want to side
> with. France, Germany?
> Our coalition in the war on terror reflects the
> cooperation and efforts of 16 NATO nations with forces
> serving in Iraq, and 26 NATO nations with forces in
> Afghanistan. The transfer of sovereignty to a free
> Iraq was accomplished also through the efforts of
> major non-NATO allies like Australia, New Zealand,
> Japan, and South Korea who have troops stationed in
> Iraq today. And citizens of many nations have made the
> ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan and Iraq, in
> addition to our own, including citizens of Great
> Britain, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark,
> Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Nepal, the
> Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
> Thailand, and Ukraine.
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/07/20040701-8.html
> Now lets see your list!
> -sm
> --- Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   The War on Terror will not be won until America is
> >   united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush
> >   administration -- not the terrorists -- as the
> > enemy,
> >   we are in trouble.
> >
> >
> >
> >   The war on terror will be won when Bush & Co is
> > summarily voted out of office
> > and the Country unites behind new leadership that
> > will mend the fences with our
> > former allies and only then will a united front
> > against terrorism be created.
> >
> >   The US will be held in much higher esteem when the
> > War Criminals currently in
> > office, and those who are profiteering by its
> > perpetuation are brought to
> > justice.
> >
> >   Only then will a climate of progress be made
> > against the Terrorists.
> >
> >   As a patriot, I do not like being seen through the
> > world's eyes as the same
> > type of country as we were taught to view the Iron
> > Curtain countries of
> > yesteryear.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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