Washington also has no state taxes.

and beautiful beaches (Puget Sound and left coast)
and fabulous fishing (salmon, trout)
and the sun is always shining somewhere in Washington, just not
necessarily where you are...
(actually it's a lot less rainy here then we like to let on... ;-)

and a *hot* day here is the mid 70s (Puget Sound Region, apparently it
can get up into the 100s in Eastern WA...)
and sometimes it gets up to 90 or 91...

oh and in WA we have wine! (yes I know there is wine in FL too...but
c'mon ;-).

> Florida has no state taxes.
> Besides that - where would the best place to live in Florida be?
> If one wanted to live in Florida.
> With access to beautiful beaches ...
> Fabulous fishing ...
> Year round sun ...
> Some of you have experience with living in Florida ... Since I am taking
> a survey for purely statisical reasons only - I'd love any input :)



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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