This reminds me of one time one of my Chihuahuas slipped past me and a neighbor
was walking his very huge 125 pound German Shepard in front of the house.  My
Chihuahua went on the attack and grabbed the larger dog's collar and was for
awhile hanging on the collar, all feet off the ground.   The Big Dog was not
fazed by the flea attack, and in a few seconds my dog discovered the error of
its ways and let loose and came back to me.

I was lucky, both the neighbor and I had a good laugh out of it, but in
retrospect it could have had an ending just like the Pomeranian.

Since your dog was on your property and on a leash, no one should think it had
no right to defend itself from an intruder.

It is a sad case, but the Pomeranian owner was completely at fault, and should
naturally suffer the consequences. - Flowers or a gesture of kindness would be
appropriate, but paying his vet bills, would not, IMHO.


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